09.07.2021 10:00
‘Multimodal Transport – 2021’ is the unique annual business conference in the Eurasian Region, where international trends in the field of multimodal transport, development prospects and directions for improving the legal regulation of multimodal transport are discussed.
09.06.2021 10:00
As part of the strategies, new route networks, long term passenger and cargo traffic forecasts, design aircraft types and peak hours for infrastructure have been determined.
08.04.2021 10:00
The 8th International Conference ‘Unmanned Aviation-2021’ as a key annual event in the UAV industry of the Eurasian region will be held in Moscow on April 22-23, 2021.
22.03.2021 11:26
Strategy for one of the transport hubs in the south of the Eurasian region will be developed by the Transport Strategy Center (TSC).
29.01.2021 00:00
Business strategy for a new transport hub in the Volga Federal District will be developed by the Transport Strategy Center (TSC).
30.11.2020 00:00
The Transport Strategy Center (TSC) performed the work on forecasting capacity of the unmanned aircraft systems operations and UAV delivery market in the oil and gas industry.
14.10.2020 09:17
On October 22, 2020, Moscow will host the I International Conference "Future Passenger & Cargo Terminals - 2020".
01.09.2020 14:24
The conference is the main international industry event in the field of UAS in Eurasia, which is traditionally attended by the organizations of Russia, the Eurasian Union, the CIS countries, Europe, Asia and other regions of the world.
31.07.2020 00:00
An architectural concept for the development of a transport hub in the Far Eastern Federal District has been developed by the Transport Strategy Center (TSC).