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09.06.2021 10:00

As part of the strategies, new route networks, long term passenger and cargo traffic forecasts, design aircraft types and peak hours for infrastructure have been determined.

Current state of infrastructure facilities and need for its modernization with financial feasibility studies were carried out. 

The TSC team incorporates professional knowledge and practical experience in strategic planning of transport hub infrastructure, planning and development of territories and land plots, master planning, design and architecture of infrastructure facilities, legal support of M&A, structuring of PPP projects, financial modeling and attracting investments. 

The professional portfolio of TSC includes more than 350 projects in the field of transport, logistics and tourism.

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Effective development of a region's transport system requires a balanced strategy that in the short term, in 10, 20 and more years will provide the region with infrastructure, outrunning demand in terms of all modes of transport.
Many large world regions, leaders in transport product volume and transshipment, handling transit and transfer passengers, started out by creating a development strategy for multimodal transport hubs (MTH) based at promising ports, stations, and airports.
Many regions are geographically remote and located away from large transport hubs. They are characterized by poor land transport infrastructure and have many unique characteristics that implicate a peculiar approach to transport planning.
The TSC's areas of expertise include professional strategic planning in IT, development of innovative IT solutions for transport, tourism, transport engineering.
One of the core activities of TSC is the design and turn-key implementation of territory development projects for areas adjacent to transport infrastructure facilities.
The Transport Strategy Center Consortium (TSC) provides expert consulting assistance to regional authorities and transport organizations in developing comprehensive strategies for the development of transport infrastructure projects and attracting public and private funding for their implementation.