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28.05.2018 09:00

The total area of land plots for the first stage development is 534 ha, 310 of which are intended for transport-logistics infrastructure objects and associated transport industry service facilities. The total area of development is over 1.3 mln square kilometers.

Total budgetary efficiency of the project – BNPV 144 bln rubles, of which regional budget BNPV – 56 bln rubles.

After conducting an in-depth market analysis in all the key segments of the real estate market as well as global unique service markets, the work provides rationale for the construction of multi-modal transport-logistics hubs of various levels and purposes, maintenance centers for various types of transport, roadside service stations.

Siting of high-speed main railway lines has been performed, station locations - substantiated.

The development project also substantiates the construction of commercial and residential properties and public amenities. The construction of an expo-center, hotel infrastructure, and an industrial park has been substantiated.

An important element of the project is a master-plan of area development and a unified architectural concept of infrastructure objects of various purposes on large development area.

The project also includes project funding schemes, including different variants of public-private partnership. A roadmap and an investment attraction program have been prepared.

The planned volume of investments in the first stage development infrastructure objects is 85 bln rubles.

The cost of land plots in case of project implementation will grow more than 70 times.

The TSC team possesses professional competencies in strategic planning and support of development and infrastructure projects of any complexity. Possessing leadership competencies in the development of multi-modal solutions and complex approach to territory development, knowledge of the best industry practices by our staff, in-house leading experts in development, general planning, and architecture with knowledge of the best global practices and a vast practical experience - all this makes the services of TSC unique.
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Effective development of a region's transport system requires a balanced strategy that in the short term, in 10, 20 and more years will provide the region with infrastructure, outrunning demand in terms of all modes of transport.
Many large world regions, leaders in transport product volume and transshipment, handling transit and transfer passengers, started out by creating a development strategy for multimodal transport hubs (MTH) based at promising ports, stations, and airports.
Many regions are geographically remote and located away from large transport hubs. They are characterized by poor land transport infrastructure and have many unique characteristics that implicate a peculiar approach to transport planning.
The TSC's areas of expertise include professional strategic planning in IT, development of innovative IT solutions for transport, tourism, transport engineering.
One of the core activities of TSC is the design and turn-key implementation of territory development projects for areas adjacent to transport infrastructure facilities.
The Transport Strategy Center Consortium (TSC) provides expert consulting assistance to regional authorities and transport organizations in developing comprehensive strategies for the development of transport infrastructure projects and attracting public and private funding for their implementation.