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25.10.2019 07:50

On October 23-24, a major international event took place – the Russia-Africa Summit and Economic Forum, which gathered more than fifty countries and forty heads of state and government.

The forum was attended by representatives of governments’ and ministries’ officials, Russian and African businesses, delegations from Algeria, Botswana, Gabon, Guinea, Djibouti, Egypt, Zimbabwe, Cape Verde, Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, Mauritania, Madagascar, Mali, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Equatorial Guinea, South Sudan and many other African countries.

The summit was co-chaired by the Russian leader Vladimir Putin and his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah Saeed Hussein Khalil el-Sisi. The stability, security and development of business cooperation between Russia and the African continent were discussed as part of the summit. The Forum became a strategically important step towards creating the most favorable conditions for the development of trade and economic relations between the Russian Federation and African countries.

Anton Koren, Head of the Transport Strategy Center (TSC) Consortium, took part in the Russia-Africa international forum, where he held meetings with ministries, departments and a number of countries of the African continent’s business entities. The issues of bilateral cooperation on the development of transport infrastructure, as well as   investment projects focused on the development of transportation businesses were discussed at the meetings.

Anton Koren noted that “without exception, all African countries show great interest in Russian competencies in transport development projects. Particular attention is paid to the issues related to the establishment of sustainable businesses in this world’s region, the formation of independent operators, professional planning of business and infrastructure, besides, interest is also evidenced in terms of the possibilities of professional structuring, fund raising and funding of investment projects”.

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Effective development of a region's transport system requires a balanced strategy that in the short term, in 10, 20 and more years will provide the region with infrastructure, outrunning demand in terms of all modes of transport.
Many large world regions, leaders in transport product volume and transshipment, handling transit and transfer passengers, started out by creating a development strategy for multimodal transport hubs (MTH) based at promising ports, stations, and airports.
Many regions are geographically remote and located away from large transport hubs. They are characterized by poor land transport infrastructure and have many unique characteristics that implicate a peculiar approach to transport planning.
The TSC's areas of expertise include professional strategic planning in IT, development of innovative IT solutions for transport, tourism, transport engineering.
One of the core activities of TSC is the design and turn-key implementation of territory development projects for areas adjacent to transport infrastructure facilities.
The Transport Strategy Center Consortium (TSC) provides expert consulting assistance to regional authorities and transport organizations in developing comprehensive strategies for the development of transport infrastructure projects and attracting public and private funding for their implementation.