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29.01.2018 09:00

The main and largest seventh International Conference devoted to issues of aviation fuel supply in Russia and the CIS countries "Aviation Fuel – 2018" will take place in Moscow on 1-2 February 2018.

The Conference will be attended by: The Federation Council of the Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (Parliament), the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviatsia), the Federal Antimonopoly Service, the Federal Transport Oversight Agency, the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Civil Aviation Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the International Air Transport Association; Russian and international VIOCs: Rosneft, RN-Aero, Gazpromneft-Aero, LUKOIL-AERO, Transneft, Tatneft, Surgutneftegaz, BP, Belarusian Oil Company, National Company "KazMunayGas", KazKontrakt Group of companies; leading oil refineries: Gazprom Pererabotka, KINEF, Sterlitamak Petrochemical Plant, Plastneftehim, TANECO, Russian and international airlines, refueling complexes of Moscow and regional airports in Russia and the CIS, heads of companies trading aviation fuel, suppliers of aircraft and equipment, industry associations, media and many others.

During the plenary session "Main trends in the development of aviation fuel market" topical issues of regulating aviation fuel supply, improving legislation regarding aviation fuel supply, the issues of government policy, antimonopoly regulation, pricing in aviation fuel supply, prospects of the development of aviation fuel supply within the EEU and the CIS countries and other issues will be discussed with the Conference participants by the representatives of the Council of the Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (Parliament), the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviatsia), the Federal Antimonopoly Service, the Civil Aviation Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, KazKontrakt Group of companies, the Center for Strategic Development in Civil Aviation (AVIACENTER), analytics agencies.

As part of the conference a special IATA session will be held to discuss the international standard (IATA/A4A/JIG) and its correspondence to the guide Doc. 9977 ICAO, ICAO's attitude to introduction of government regulation of aviation fuel supply, as well as FQP check results in Russia and the CIS.

A separate session is devoted to the experience of air carriers in aviation fuel supply, to be shared by representatives of Russian and European airlines.

During the first day of the Conference a session "Aviation fuel Market - Results 2017. Forecasts and trends. Pricing. Trade tools" will be held, where representatives of the leading research agencies will describe the situation with aviation fuel on the national and global markets. Also price indicators of aviation fuel exchange trading, prospects of the development of aviation fuel exchange trading, suggestions for improving the regulatory framework with an aim to provide market pricing as well as the status, conditions and prospects of the development of independent aviation fuel market participants will be discussed.

One of the sessions will be devoted to important aspects of the development of refueling complexes, where representatives of the leading aviation fuel supply companies will talk about current trends and present solutions for improving the technical standards base of aviation fuel supply, present a report on evaluating the efficiency of fuel conditioning technology schemes at refueling station warehouses.

During the first day of the Conference a strategic session on preparing suggestions for perfecting legislation in the area of aviation fuel supply will be held, where all the Conference participants will have a chance to share their opinions on the key paths of aviation fuel market development.

During the second day of the Conference issues of aviation fuel production development will be discussed. Representatives of the management of the leading scientific research institutes as well as oil refineries, will speak on the subject.

Current tasks and topical issues of personnel training for aviation fuel supply companies will be discussed with the participants by representatives of the leading schools during a special session devoted to human resourcing.

In the afternoon of the closing day of the Conference the delegates will take part in a special event - a tour of Gazpromneft-Aero Sheremetyevo, where they will have a chance to familiarize themselves with current practical experience, machinery, equipment and technology processes of aviation fuel supply at a modern refueling complex.

The tour will include inspection of the main refueling complex facilities providing the main technical operations: aviation fuel filling, storage, issue, quality control (lab), used modern technologies of aviation fuel supply, prospects of the refueling complex development.

"Aviation Fuel – 2018" is the main and largest annual professional industry event for discussing the topical issues of aviation fuel supply.

The host of the conference is the Center for Strategic Development in Civil Aviation (AVIACENTER).

The Strategic partner of the Conference is KazKontrakt Group of companies.

Business agenda partner - Gazpromneft-Aero.

To register for participation, speaking at the event as well as to get detailed information about the event, visit AVIACENTER website www.en.aviacenter.org, or call the Organizing Committee: +7 (495) 225.99.57 (multichannel, ext.5) or email to events@aviacenter.org.

Special participation terms are available for refueling complexes, airports and airlines.

Only 2 days left until the Conference. Easy registration is available.

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