The Transport Strategy Center (TSC) has prepared a range of projects to be presented to the Analytics Center of the Government of the Russian Federation
« BackThe Transport Strategy Center (TSC) has prepared a range of large transport investment projects in various regions of Russia with an aim to provide funding through the "Transport system development" government financing program.
The works have been completed in accordance with the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on the development, implementation and evaluation of the effectiveness of government programs in Russia, as well as with rules of inspecting investment projects for the efficiency of use of funds allocated for capital investments financed from the budget system of the Russian Federation.
The works included justification of the role of transport infrastructure development projects for social and economic development of corresponding regions of Russia, considering the forecasts of passenger and cargo turnover, innovative technology solutions.
The TSC has also assessed technical potential of the current facilities, analyzed current peak capacities, justified the need for its increase, considering plans of development of regional transport systems, professionally evaluated social and economic efficiency of projects.
The TSC is the leading Eurasian center specializing on strategic planning of the development of transport systems, separate facilities, multi-modal solutions, PPP projects, and fund-raising. The TSC is also working on a range of innovative projects for transport, involving up-to-date technology and IT solutions.